Our candidates training process
As we believe a number of “would-be consultants” are not well prepared to take strategy firms interviews, we have decided to play “open book” with our candidates along with the ones who target other top strategy firms.
We believe this will allow a better level playing field across candidates from different backgrounds and provide better / larger manpower to the strategy consulting industry.

Case interviews handbooks are available in any bookstore, and a few companies propose training services, but we have observed many shortcomings:
- Cases are partially outdated and do not reflect latest strategic thinking (e.g. resilience framework in the wake of Covid and Ukraine crisis)
- People who prepare for interviews are not senior and diverse enough to a) provide a broad range of innovative cases, b) guide trainees into learning specific frameworks that help solve case studies [and that you just don’t know about if you have not been part of a strategy firm for a long time]
- Soft skills training is overlooked although a critical success factor for a junior consultant is to be coachable
Our services
Our approach is twofold:
- Run a 30 min diagnosis (offered) to a) understand candidate profile and motivation while reviewing / improving CV to improve probability to pass first step of the selection process, b) tailor cases including to the “spikes” of targeted firms
- Run two 45 min case interviews (30 min case, 15 min debriefing) allowing a significant amount of time to introduce legitimate methodological frameworks to the candidate and point him / her to further readings (300€ each, more with rebate). Interview will be handled exclusively by our Senior Partners, with different cultures, and potentially Senior Advisors (ex-Board Members) when relevant
Abstract of recent feedbacks
Gaël, Ecole Polytechnique, class of 2020.
“I used Reboul&Co. to prepare for several interviews I had with boutiques and large strategy consulting firms. The Senior Partner coaching was extremely useful. I ended up joining Bain with a shortened interview process”.
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